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Finally, 2013 in Review

17 01 2014

2013 Boom .. look at that!!!!   Here we go!

January – Finishing up exams and grades at school.  Busy as hell, pretty sure I didn’t get into much excitement.

February -Work a super intense 4 days of winter camp at work, and then flew to France via Vietnam for the rest of the Chinese New Year break.  Had a great time with Regis for the winter break, but I was super sad because we get to spend so little time together.  One of my students bought me a cute dragon USB with his own money <3.  Got a fancy signature stamp that I played with endlessly.

March – Went to a Taiwanease social night with some friends, met an interesting assortment of people.  Took a couple of pole dancing classes with a friend.  While cool, I was/am in too bad of shape to really enjoy it.

April – Officially paid off all of my debt. BOOM DEBT FREE BITCHES. Mom sent me photos of a moose in the safeway.  Applied for and was approved for a real Taiwanese card! (a very difficult task).  Went to Carnegies, for the first time in a very long time.  May have danced on the bar… maybe .. probably not though. Resigned for my school.

May – Almost bought my first new fridge, but in the end I bought a second hand one from Xiamen Street.  Got a Wii for super cheap (wanted the guitar hero… I play it all the time all the time… honest).

June – There was a biggish earthquake.  Rob and I made a “time out” group for people not acting right.  Finished off my first school year at ChingShin.  Raygan came to Taiwan to visit Tracey and I on her way back to Canada. We all went to Ounce a speakeasy style bar.

July – Took the summer off, except for a summer camp that I did at Chang Kai Shek Memorial Hall.  Finally got my broken micro sd card replaced.  We had a sissy typhoon.  I finally actually used my buy-sell-trade page to sell some stuff.

August – Went back to Canada to see the family, via China for the first time.  Regis arrived in Vancouver and we spent the month with my family and friends, spend some good times with Becky and Phil, then rented a car and drove to see Nadine.  Drove up to Smithers, then back to PG with mom where I made full use of the new wireless paying machines to pay the bill mid meal (I win) was deeply entertaining watching Regis and mom fight over the bill. Regis and I flew to Shang Hai, we went into town but we were too jet lagged to have fun.  Then on to Taipei and straight back to work for me.  School was a mess.

September – Went to paint ball with Regis and some other friends.  I turned 34?  wait… damn no 35.  Regis and I celebrated both of our birthdays.  Thought my Credit card had been used illegally, but no I’m just a dummy.   Signed up for two theme runs (beer and zombie).

October – um… oh yeah there was a biggish earthquake and it was awesome because Regis was white as a ghost! Regis went back to France for his dad’s funeral. School told us that the bonuses that they promised us (that were the reason for most of us to resign) weren’t happening at least one possibly two.  Oh yeah did the beer run with Regis and Mickeal (I stole a case of beer, yay me!)

November – I got a new kitty!!!! Went to Peng Hu with Regis for the first time, loved the island!  Much contemplating of names for kitty. Did the first ever Zombie run in Taipei.. not what I expected but really cool and fun!

December – Had a fake Christmas with Regis because he was leaving at the beginning of the month.  Had a big going away shindig for Regis, same as the previous time all you can eat and drink BBQ followed by a hooka bar.  Had a second fake (but closer to real) Christmas party with some friends, made a nommilcious turkey.  Finished the kid’s Christmas play finally.  Angela and I went to On Tap for dinner and couple of drinks on New Year’s eve, deliberately early and went home at ten.  Because we’re cool like that 😉 Bought my ticket to go to France for Chinese New Year.  Had Kitty’s nuts chopped off.

2014 so far! –  Finally named kitty (Shinobi, Osiris, Sir Dick Head the Third).  Marked all my tests for work.  I almost quit at work, but decided to stick it out for now.  But I’m seriously considering making some changes this year.  I’m looking forward to going to France for Chinese New Year.  I’m sad that my neighbor and really good friend is moving away at Chinese New Year.

Chapter 2 oh me :D

14 01 2014

2011 –   Decided that I wasn’t happy with these pretend personality and behavior changes I had made, in reality for my ex even though if you asked at the time I would have denied it.  Started living the life of “why not”, when things came up I thought why not? And if I didn’t have a good reason then … woot.  Which is how I met Regis, I was having ‘fun’ and it turned it to something unexpected.  I went to Macau for the first time with TPT, that was a weekend to remember.  Started chatting with Regis a lot.  Went to Canada for the summer again.  Raygan came to Taipei to hang out with Tracey and I.  Raygan convinced me to stop being a negative Nancy and let Regis come to Taiwan to see what could happen.   Regis moved to Taipei on Nov 4th,

2011 for three months.  I started hating my job.  I decided that I didn’t know what was happening with us, but wasn’t ready to call it quits.  Rolling up on the ten year mark and decided I’m a grown upa nd I can do what I want, ie not moving back to Canada since I don’t want to.

2012 – I had all the money to pay off my debt, but re-borrowed it so I could I quit my job, and move to France at Chinese new year. Feb 3rd 2012.  Went to England for the first time in April, Portsmouth.   Was really just a visa run, couch surfed and met some cool people.  I went to Prague in the Czech Republic for the first time, caught up with some old friends from the early years of Taipei).  Stayed a really nice and cool hostel, was disappointed that Regis couldn’t come with me.  Regis took me to Mont St Michel.  I moved back to Taipei and started looking for a new job.  Found a couple of good prospects was really torn between a kindergarten that was going to pay me really well but in the end I decided to go with the private elementary school near my house.  Met my new co workers/friends Angela and Candice.  Started a crazy job, that was a lot or work but something very new.

History of Me 1978-2010

5 01 2014

Everyone seems to be writing these, year summary blogs (or letters, like Emily).  I know I haven’t really posted or blogged in ages.. and I may ore may not actually finish this and explain.

So Just this past year seems like not enough.. so I I’ve feeling nostalgic and am going to do something more silly.

My life in summary!

321074_10150328165758425_1018715296_n1978- I was born, I’m pretty sure the world stopped for a second because I’m so awesome!

1979-1997 – Lived in Smithers, it’s a boring story.  My grandmother passed away.  We moved into town.  A few years later my Grandpa passed away.  Went to France on a school trip, I always wonder if this was the beginning of the end. 303803_10150328166543425_714939757_n Met my little brother and dad’s side of the family. I graduated from high school, started working at my mom’s company (Newpro), got laid off  and on the same day received a uni acceptance letter.  Applied for loans and off I went.

294756_10150328172083425_1119687750_n1997-2001 – Moved to Prince George, BC, went to UNBC.  Partied, studied, and all that good uni stuff.  Made lots of new friends, had ups, had downs.  Ended contact with my dad.  Dated, ended up with Erik which while the relationship was terrible and we should have ended it when I originally.  It was a pivotal factor in the rest of my life.  Tracey moved to Japan on Jet. At the end of school, had a conversation with my friend Mike Yeh where he suggested I love to Taiwan.  I scoffed.  I broke up with Erik, and suddenly realized why the hell not?

2001-2002 – moved home to stay with mom (saving money before the move), made plans to hang out in Thailand for almost 2 months.  Got a passport, all my visas, and finally on a jet plane. Arrived in Bangkok on December 7, 2001.  Exited the plane to be hit by a wall of hot wet air.  Travelled around Thailand with Tracey, we took sleeper trains, busses, boats, planes, stayed in hotels, hostels.  Went diving, got certified with PADI.  I got some weird unexplained sickness, hallucinated my way around a tiny town (because I dipped and Tracey was frantic trying to figure out how to fine me) in the south and Tracy found me chatting with dogs, sorry about that.  Went back to Bangkok, Tracey went back to Japan and I headed to Taipei. Cue next chapter.

400966_10150477776398425_1432733508_n2002 – Jan 12, 2002 I arrived in Taipei city in Taiwan.  I always said that I planned to stay for at least 5 years, I wanted to stick it out, make money, learn a language, and a new culture (all part of Mike’s sales pitch).  I did say that if I was still here after 10 years, that I had to move home to see if I was really wanting to stay or if I was just scared to move.  Moved into my first apartment in Taipei it was hideous.

2002-2005 – Travelled to Japan to visit Tracey in March 2002.  Travelled to Thailand a few times.  Tracey came to Taipei to visit.  Went back to Canada, a couple of times to visit the family.  By being snotty, I offended Sammi, made myself less than popular and was blissfully ignorant of what I had done. Got my first passport abroad (was actually my third passport) the guarantor was an interesting challenge. Moved to a much better but more expensive place, when our landlord sold out place my friend Sarah and I got the place I’m in now and furnished it.

196133_17606138424_5039_n2005-2009- Taiwan changed the APRC requirement from 7 years to 5 years, right about my 5-6 year mark, no I didn’t apply. Tracey moved back to Taiwan after her south American back packing trip. Met and fell in love with my ex, who was married and bipolar, that was a ride that went on for a while (on and off for years). Went to Thailand again in 2006.  Moved to Brazil for 5-6 months with Tracey  in the fall of 2006.  We lived in Sao Paulo for a while, travelled around and spent the last month (2?) travelling around, drinking, partying and beaching.  oh I miss it.  Went on a visa run to Argentina, accidentally and illegally went to Paraguay. Moved back to Taipei in The spring of 2007. 208354_18145513424_5463_nWent to Hong Kong for the first time with Tracey and Melissa for my birthday, stayed at Mike’s place.  What a crazy weekend! Also went to Disney Land (even though it was micro Disney) for the first time. Went to the USA for the first time ever 🙂 in 2007.  226920_21520463424_8954_nWent to Boracay (a beach holiday destination in the Philippines) with a big group of friends, that was a wild and great time. Went to the states again in 2008, still with on again off again ex.  Made peace with my soon to be sister. Got back in touch with my little brother.

26383_334470878424_8030386_n2009-2010 – Went to Thailand for Jody and Kai’s wedding, and I almost missed my flight.  It was the last hurrah for our circle, Tracey moved back to Canada, Melissa stayed in Thailand and then moved back to Canada. Had a big trip to Canada, went to Toronto and Niagra falls for the first time, actually the first time I’ve ever been east of Alberta.  Got over my ex and let all that go, finally.  Ended up having a great bonding moment with Sammi and we adopted each other <3. I went to Hong Kong to Visit Gabby twice.  Raygan moved to Japan, and I went to Japan to visit.  Got my finances under control and it seemed like I might actually be able to get out of debt.

Taiwan and the New Boy (prt 2)

30 01 2012

Continuing from last time, He arrived.  It was a little nerve wracking, but also exciting and cool.   I wish I could give you a more blow by blow of the following weeks and months, but honestly the details are all a little blurry to me.

I can tell you that he’s a really nice guy, like freakishly so, but not without his fault.  He gets a little bossy sometimes, which caused a bit of conflict.  But honestly, most of our issues and conflicts stemmed … actually I guess it’s stem, from communication problems.  Either we’d misunderstand something language wise, or it would just be one of those difference communication styles that sometimes clash.  But usually after a little tiff, snippiness or irritation, we’d walk away and then come back later and both be all apologies and sorrys.

Actually something I totally recall thinking at one point, was that I wasn’t all gooey and doe eyed.  That at no point did I think everything is perfect and yay I adore you.  And I couldn’t decide if it was due to my being older and not lame and doe eyed.. or is it because everything is deeply flawed so much that it pierces the beginning of a relationship glow?  I worried about that idly in the back of my mind for a while, but I decided that it was more because of being a grown up.  It’s more that I have my eyes more open than I have in the past, or at least that’s what seems to be true as time goes on.

Anyway, sometime before the end of the second month, I was sure that I really enjoyed spending time with him but I was equally certain that I wasn’t sure enough about our relationship to be in anyway ready to give up and leave my life behind.  Not yet anyway, a couple of months together just wasn’t enough for me to give up 10 years of my life, know what I mean?   I wanted, needed more time.   But what to do?

I had originally thought about running away and going traveling after Chinese new year, but then I realized that it wasn’t very fiscally responsible.  I mean I had borrowed some money to pay off the balance of my Credit card and paying a set amount of interest.  And by Chinese New Year I would have saved more than enough money to pay off all of my debt, debt free.  Not something that I was really expecting to see this side of 40.

But now there is this great guy who dropped everything to try to see where things could go with us.  I want to know too, so I thought about taking a semester off of work.   Good idea, bad? Was the timing right, I hemmed and hawed.  I mean I was about to be debt free, and if I went to Europe now that would mean going straight back into debt.  But then again looking for work in the summer, is much better than any other time… and I can’t be certain that I will have a job when I get back.  EEK

…..  To be continued.   😉

What to say? (prt 1)

29 01 2012

See here’s the problem, it’s been so long and so much has happened, but at the same nothing has really happened so I have no idea what to say.  Everything seems like an irrelevant detail just by virtue of being old information to me.

And before you get all up in arms about how it’s all new info to you, think that I have talked to some people at points about one thing or the other… le sigh. Plus all I want to talk about at this second is my new love Mr computer… lol such a techno whore.

Well I guess I’ll just go back and look at the last thing I wrote and then wrack my swiss cheese memory for details from then (I have time and nothing else to do because I’m sitting in the lazer clinic waiting to wait some more for the shortest procedure ever… the lazering itself take.. 5? 10? minutes but the waiting, and then the waiting to wait etc takes fucking hours..  Stupid.

Ha so I just went back and looked … no wonder everyone is so grouchy.. not a personal post in yonks.. But in all fairness just before Regis arrived I was yapping on the phone to anyone who would listen to me… lol so I felt like I had communicated a lot. Hmmm Regis decided to come back to Taiwan because he wanted a chance to try to see if there was any possibility with us and I decided that it was ok, because while I am a coward he really was doing the hard part.

The weeks leading up to his arrival were fun with the anticipation but I really didn’t know what to be expecting.  Then he arrived, I took the afternoon off to go meet him at the airport and I was fine until waiting for him to come through security, then I was basically standing there trying to look pretty and not panicked.   Once he actually arrived it was a little weird but significanly less scary than I thought.

The language issue was and still is a problem, but from day one it wasn’t as bad as I had envisioned.

This ends part one……

tee hee

Ps… the lazer clinic blogging ended pretty much as soon as it happened because the chick dragged me in the other room.

This is not the post you’re looking for….

27 01 2012

Yes, I’m aware that everyone would really like to know what’s happen with my personal life, the not so new anymore boyfriend, leaving my job for four months, moving to France for that time … etc.  But tough… lol I don’t wanna write about that right now so neener (It’s my blog I’ll write what I wanna).

So today I went to dinner with Tony and Joel, and played a game after dinner.  Then rushed over to 3C, a local electronics store, to try to by a new laptop (netbook).  Now here is the things about 3C, they have this silly membership thing going on and then you supposedly get much better prices on electronics.  Now the reality is they are a little cheaper than many other stores, IF you get the member price (membership isn’t free mind you, you have to pay for it).  But if you don’t get the membership price then it ends up a bit more expensive than another store.

So every time I go there I play the stupid foreigner card, like I cruse up to the till and then seem deeply perplexed that the price isn’t as advertised.  They explain it’s due to the membership price and as I don’t have a membership I don’t get that price.  Now at this point I used to continue to play stupid and pout a little until they gave up and gave me the member price, but honestly I don’t have the patience for that anymore.  So, when they ask for my membership card I tell them I don’t have one, followed in the same breath with, but they always give me the membership price.

I do it so quick they usually don’t have anytime to think about it.. and merely blink a couple of times… say… “oh Zhan zhi? Uh.. Hao” Which basically translates to “oh, it’s like that? Uh.. ok”.  They look a little unsure for a second and then completely fold like a house of cards in a stiff breeze.  😀  On occasion I run into a hardass or a wannabe hardass who is a stickler for the rules, at which point I just point out that I don’t have to buy my things here and if they can’t be co-operative I won’t.  They almost always cave then, honestly I think in ten years there has been one occasion where I just left the store not buying anything… and simply went to another of their stores (it’s a huge chain).

On occasion they have very good prices and especially after Chinese New Year, you know how after Christmas back home they clear out old stock, same deal here just it happens after Chinese New Year I guess.  Anyway They have a web page that they guy at the store showed me and I spend a bunch of time pootling about on there., it’s actually pretty good if you read Chinese or your browser translates for you.

I was supposed to buy my new computer (a new small laptop) in France because Regis found a some really good prices online in France.  But the computer that I wanted went up in price in France and dropped here.  So VOILA I get a new toy right now! Win.

As I said I went to 3C and unfortunately they didn’t have the exact model I wanted new, so I could have a display model or get a new one a little bit less pimp (sniffle) and save 3000nt (hundred dollars Canada).  But again it’s the membership price, but I rolled over him right at 10pm (just as they were closing) and just informed him that I always get the member price. DONE.  And I got an extra 1000 nt off (well actually the price online was 1000 less than the posted price in the store), WIN.  And when I asked at the original store they told me that it would cost 1500 to upgrade the ram from 2gig to four gigs, but this guy upgraded my ram to 4gigs for only an extra 600nt.  So that means, 10999 plus 600 for a total of 11599 yay, WIN.  That ends up being 3600nt (120cad) cheaper than the computer was going to cost me in France, for a computer that’s a bit better (slightly upgrade CPU, bigger hard drive).

I love getting a deal, possibly more than I love having new toys.  So I get double joy here, new toy to play with and I totally scored a great deal.  Tralala.

Ok it’s Friday which means that a few things are open now and I need to run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything done.  😀  Hopefully will post again this weekend.

The Secret Apple

1 09 2011

So there is this book at school… and there are just no words…  So I’ll post the pictures instead.  Only in Taiwan.. I swear… the best part was the reason we found the book in the first place was another teacher was reading stories to the kids and got half way through the book and then realized… WHOA

Read the rest of this entry »

Friends in Town

5 08 2011

As you all know Tracey is here for the summer, and it’s obviously got it’s ups and downs but ultimately.. who doesn’t want their best friend to be around?

We’re both more Independence than back in the day which is good.. but sometimes I almost miss the sad little co-dependent ways of the past.  If for no other reason than it was fun 😛

Also Ray just got into town last night and again… this is the one thing I miss living here.. really awesome old friends…  it’s just so nice having people around who already know and love you in spite of and sometimes because of your shit.  You don’t have to put on any pretenses, it’s just nice.

Sigh.. and again.. my life her would be perfect if I had a delightful relationship here and could import some if not all of my bestest friends… (including bestest family) and if I”m being honest I’m shamefully trying to import them all.. genuinely shamelessly working on this… le sigh

I have to go to work this morning (sux wish I had just taken it off..) but totally looking forward to a great weekend off hanging out with Ray and Tracey!

TEDx Magda.. tee hee

9 04 2011

For some odd reason they didn’t want to change the name of the event… odd…  Just kidding :D..

I will write later, but I thought I would post my ‘speech’ for those who were interested but unable to make it 🙂  The truth is I didn’t really follow my script and I can’t really tell you how far off of the ‘reservation’ I went until I see the video.  But here’s hoping it was good.  There was a lot of really good positive feed back, and I had a great time.  I’m heading out to see some people, but here is what I wrote.

A few months back I lost my voice, not for a day or two, it lasted almost a full week.  And as anyone who knows me could tell you, this was a personal disaster.   It was also a potentially professional one as well.    As a teacher this was an especially difficult and challenging situation to face.  Imagine if you will, that your livelihood depended on your being able, to not only express ideas, but to also expand on them, to interact and communicate in a deep way with others.  Suddenly conventional methods are no longer available.  What do you do?

I could have done what most people suggested and just stayed home, but that didn’t seem quite right to me.  I genuinely believe in innovation and creativity in Education.

And that is why I am here today. In spite of how exciting a story of a mute teacher might be, I want to tell you about what we can accomplish with a little creativity, even in a seemingly rigid environment.

Asia has a very strict and busy education system. It’s extremely competitive over here, and to be successful many feel you must be the best.  To be the best you must work harder and longer than the other millions of people that you are competing with.  It’s a tall order and as a result students are loaded up with hour upon hour of assignments, homework, and extra classes.  It can start in kindergarten and the pressure, classes, and extra homework continues to increase over the years.

Kids here don’t often have much of a chance to be kids, at least in the minds of many who are observing and coming from a different background.  Speaking for myself, I never had to do 6 hours of homework after class, not even in senior high school when prepping for university.  I remember many a happy afternoon spent pouring over books, playing games and just generally relaxing and having fun.

So with all of this pressure and competition, is there any wiggle room for fun and new ideas?  In the past I have frequently been told by many an educator, and administrator there isn’t.   And I have always felt that that is pure and unadulterated garbage.  There is always another way.  So a few years ago I took matters into my own hands, I ignored the negative Nancy’s who told me that Taiwanese parents would never let their kids play games and just have fun;  That there must be tests and homework, writing assignments etc to prove the value and worth of any form of education. I started talking to kids and parents about something new, something different.  A way to study and learn that wasn’t about writing the same thing 1000 times, doing drills, or any other boring form of study.

So where did this all come from?  Honestly, I regularly play board games with my friends and on some level I wanted to find a way to bring my play to work. While playing, I learn and practice things about history, science, new vocabulary, math skills, and the psychology of others, critical thinking and problem solving.  And I do this all on my own time, for fun.   Sounds like work, doesn’t it?  Well it is, and it’s not.

Games have built in reward systems; there are points, achievements, constant progression and movement toward goals throughout the games.  They are riddled with puzzles and problems to solve both big and small, every success is marked and noted.   This all got me thinking, what if there was a way to use this great device to help bring a little fun and excitement into the educational lives of my students.  So I decided to just start using board games, as a learning tool.

You might not believe me here, but I swear to you it’s the truth.  It was fun.  I know, pure blasphemy, no fun should ever be had, in the sanctity of the learning sphere.

When using unconventional tools for learning, such as board games, we provide students with opportunities to communicate in a different way.   Different parts of the mind are engaged and activated, it encourages a more well rounded and active learning experience. Have you ever tried to learn a new subject, language or task simply by reading about it?  How about only being told?  Now think of a time where you were able to immerse yourself in the learning.  Where you actively took part in what you were trying to learn, you had to complete tasks, collaborate and communicate with others who were also involved.

Inhibitions are left behind in the excitement of the possibility of tromping your opponents.  You stop worrying so much about your personal short comings, and focus on the task at hand.  Sometimes it’s a cooperative effort, sometimes it’s competitive, and other times it’s a combination of the two.  Regardless it helps build relationships, not only with what you’re studying but also between the participants; there is a certain comrade-ry that arises.  Additionally, vocabulary and phrases are used over and over again, math skills are needed to calculate and manage your money or scores.  All of this results in becoming more interested and engaged in the topic allowing for a more rounded learning experience.

Studying, words, sentences and grammar from a book in a classroom is effective but it’s also very one dimensional.  Being actively involved in a game is an exciting and fun way to not only practice what you already know and understand, but to also to learn new things in a dynamic fashion.  Allowing you to not only remember more easily but understand on a deeper level.

I was told this would be difficult if not impossible to do in Asia; that local children would never be allowed to waste precious time on such an unstructured activity.  That adults and parents wouldn’t be interested or buy into something so unregulated.  Yet, I have been running a very successful program at a school doing just this for a couple of years now.  I use these games as learning tools in my Adult classes, and am constantly being asked for more game time.

I have also been doing guest lectures for student teachers, and tutors from schools that are interested in this new way of engaging the students.  More and more people are looking for something new, something different and more importantly something interesting.  I have even done a seminar with Junior high and high school teachers from all over the country; telling them of the benefits, and helping them brain storm ideas and ways that they can adapt these kinds of games and activities into the current school system that they have to work within.

Being invited to speak to other teachers, and seeing them embrace these ideas and principals of learning, has been a really gratifying experience.  In recent years there have been more and more people interested in board gaming as a social tool, which can easily be seen by the massive growth of the BoardGameGeek site.  And I believe we can clearly see that utilizing these games as an educational tool not only has the potential to take off but has already gotten many excited about the idea.

There is so much we can learn from a little play.

Here is a little video to give you a small taste of what I’m talking about.

Wait, Are ‘We’ the Assholes?

16 01 2011

*disclaimer, obviously this doesn’t apply to all people all the time, but it probably has applied to everyone as some time or another,  don’t get your knickers in a twist.  But if you do, know that I don’t give a crap. :D*

Do English Speakers Have a Bad Attitude?

That’s the thought I had suddenly while at the little shop down the street.  I was just getting some bbq-ed pork for my wonton soup, and the guy at the shop was typical Taiwanese people excited that I could say anything in Chinese.  Now usually  I get annoyed, because I haven’t said anything really but they go on and on about how good my Chinese is.  Now why would a compliment bother me?

Well it bugs me because they often go on and on about how amazing my Chinese is, and it gets to me because I hadn’t really said anything interesting or good.  Like, Hi can I have 200nt of chopped bbq pork? Wtf?

Then it hit me, wait.  Isn’t it nice that Taiwanese people are so encouraging, it’s not that they think we’re morons that can’t do anything better.  They are genuinely thrilled that we are even bothering.  So many people never learn any Chinese, lets face it, it’s not the easiest language to learn.

And besides, what’s the attitude of people back home?  When people living in Canada and The US run into immigrants who have broken English, most people judge the fuck out of them.  Sometimes people are just rude and cruel, no patience and often they mock people for their imperfect English.  What’s wrong with them?  Why don’t they just learn to speak the language already?  Ignorant, piece of crap foreigners.

Whoa… Man think about how discouraging it would be to be mocked by locals every time that you went out.  Every instance where you attempted to communicate with someone in another language, you’re ridiculed and treated like a second class citizen.

How arrogant are we as a people, that we think everyone must learn our language.  And if they don’t do it to our standard then they are worthless garbage.  Instead of being kind, understanding and encouraging of people who are making an effort.  We put them down, we mock, and even worse deep down we feel like there is something wrong with them, that they are worth less or even worse worthless.  Everyone has thought it at one point.  Geez look at them, why do they all group together and always socialize and mingle with people from their country who speak their language?

Well speaking as someone who  lives in a strange country, with odd customs and foreign languages, it’s a difficult situation.  I live here, and the majority of my friends are westerns.  Not because I can’t speak Chinese, I can.  Not because I don’t like local people, I do.  Not because I don’t want local friends, I’ll be friends with anyone cool.  So why?  Well one, work through work I make a lot of foreigner contacts.  Also,it’s hard living in a different culture the food is different and strange, the people have different values and priorities.  There are simple and intrinsic things that you just don’t have in common that you do with people who come from a similar cultural background.

What it boils down to, and is really interesting to me is that Taiwanese people are so kind and encouraging.  They rarely criticize and mock us foreigners when we try to speak Chinese.  I don’t feel shy speaking Chinese to locals, but I hate speaking in front of other foreigners.  Why is that? Because my own people are for more likely to be assholes and to mock my language and mistakes.  I always thought locals were kinda being assholes, assuming we’re all too stupid to learn and that when any of us are able to communicate, even a little, that it’s tantamount to a dog learning to quote Shakespeare.  But no, most of them are excited and pleased that you’re trying, recognizing that it’s hard as hell to learn another language.  They are trying to be encouraging, not condescending….

What does that say about us?  That we’re insulted or annoyed by their compliments (I’m not the only one who has expressed annoyance at this), that we used to think they were lazy when they lived in our countries?  Turns out, we’re the assholes.

Just a thought really.  🙂

Sex and Culture

6 01 2011

An interesting thing came up the other day.  One of my friends said something about about how Chinese/Asian girls are crazy in bed.  As in they will do ANYTHING in the bed room, and have virtually no inhibitions.  Now we all got a little crossed on each other’s meanings as we were talking.

I made a comment, about how a lot of that is related to a culture difference.  But I misinterpreted what they were saying, I thought they meant they give it up easily and often, with no emotional factors.  I said that a lot of girls go along with what guys want here because they want the guys to love them.

It turned into a bit of a heated debate until we all clarified our positions.  Which once we had done that, it all made more sense and it actually brought up a really interesting point.  My point, which I still stand by, was that a lot of girls have sex with guys in the hopes of getting the guy to love them.  And are often hurt by the uncaring or casual sexual attitudes of western men.   I’m not just hypothesizing, I have several friends that have confided these feelings to me in the past.

When I clarrified my point, we all realized that we were talking about different things.  They clarified their point, which was that Asian’s have a totally different culture when it comes to bodily functions.  Which is totally true, we come from a puritanical background where our bodies and bodily functions are a big deal, private and dirty… naughty terrible.  Asian’s don’t, they shit, piss, fart, burp, and talk about it all with no reservations.  They are all open and chill about it.

So how does this translate to sex?  Well think about it, all the reservations, and issues that often can hinder a sexual experience are gone.  I mean virtually everyone I know who has had a sexual experience with someone older than them has said the same thing, that people in their thirties-forties are so much more comfortable with their bodies.  They know what they’ve got, what to do with it and have gotten over most of the Christian, puritanical hangups that westerners grow up with (regardless of your religious background, it’s part of our culture).

Well imagine if you didn’t need to get over that, you didn’t need to get over yourself and thinking bodies and parts are dirty wrong or icky?  You just had to have experiences and learn what to do with your bodies.  It would be quite different, it’s an interesting perspective and one that I haven’t ever considered before.

On the other hand, I find it saddening that many girls get the impression that westerns have a purely casual attitude toward sex.  And to have feelings or attachments is somewhat frowned upon.  So many girls I know have been hurt, or get no respect from the guys they hook up with, and then don’t understand because they base their perception of western sexual culture on what they see in movies.  And even worse are the guys who prey on the cultural differences, I have heard many guys telling their Asian girlfriends that it’s ok that they do this that or the other, because back in their country it’s normal.  Meanwhile I’m staring open mouthed at what they are trying to get away with.   Like it’s perfectly acceptable for them to be fondling this other girl in front of their girlfriend, and their girlfriend has no right to be upset.  This is a real situation that my friend came to me with in tears because she had tried, reasonably I might add, to tell her boyfriend that she wasn’t comfortable and he said she was being psyco and to chill out it was ok in Canada to have some random girl on his lap and to be touching and kissing her.  o.O Um.. no part of Canada that I’ve ever heard of….

Anyway I thought both things were interesting takes and perspectives on cultural differences that  come up in life here.

Protected: Here’s the Story,

17 12 2010

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Somewhere between Amusement and Annoyance

14 11 2010

So a friend invited me to go out for dinner/ hang out this evening.  We went for dinner and it was  was REALLY good.

While we’re sitting there chatting and he mentioned that while out with a couple of our other friends and his and their girlfriends.  It came up that these girls all seem to have the impression that I’m into their guy.  I had to laugh but I’m also a little irritated.

He confessed that he might have made it worse because he said that he had told one guy’s girlfriend that I was sad when I found out he was involved (idiot 🙂 ).  Which he genuinely believed.  It completely blew me away.. I have never been interested in my friend, and yes I was surprised to learn he was engaged, but disappointed?? no.  Perhaps if I had known him for longer and better I might have been but I found out perhaps after the 4th time I had met him, and I was just surprised as he didn’t ‘seem’ like he was with anyone.  It turns out his gf/finance was studying abroad which is why he had so much free time, which made so much more sense when I got the story.

Anyway I guess his gf was concerned, so My two other friends explained to her that I’m just really friendly and flirty.   That it’s my personality and I don’t mean anything by it.  Then the girlfriend of my friend that I was out with, made some crack about how he better not be letting me flirt with him.

Seriously I hate people.  Women especially.  I have yet to meet a dumber set of creatures than women.  (obviously I don’t really mean that before someone crawls up my ass, I’m just annoyed and venting).  I mean seriously, if I wanted a piece of that why wouldn’t I have taken a crack at it when any of these guys were single?  Or when the one guy’s girl was out of country?  Oh because I’m not interested???  They are my friends… but people seem to think that if you’re friends with someone the only possible reason is because you want to fuck them.

LAME.  I’m friends with them because we all like board games.  I’m not in it for the secret late night sex game parties (that sweet Jesus I hope don’t exist), I’m in it for the games and company of good friends.

All this lame ass jealousy amuses me when I’m being higher minded about it… but annoys the hell out of me most of the time.  I will never understand the whole I love you so I’m going to be jealous of anyone and everyone around you.  And if you loved me you’d miss me all the time and be jealous when anyone looked sideways at me.  (insert eye roll here)

Plus the dumbest part is clearly these women don’t know me in the slightest because as anyone who knows me can attest to, I want nothing to do with any guy who is involved with anyone.  Given my history dabbling in the arena, I’ve learned my lesson.  Nothing good comes of it… and I stand by the logic if he’d cheat on you to be with me he’ll cheat on me to be with someone else.  Have been very badly burned by that and have the scars to prove it.

Plus I genuinely think people put themselves and what they would do on other people.  I trust people because I’m trust worthy.  I’ll trust you until you do something to prove to me that you’re not worthy of my trust, when you break it then it’s kinda fucked.  But until then I’ll trust you.  What makes me suspicious is when ‘you’ get all suspicious and nervous all the time…. what are you up to when I’m not around that makes you so suspicious of me?  That’s what I think these guys should throw back in their faces when their women get out of line.

lol but maybe I’m just a bitch.

(PS this is a much bigger issue in Taiwan, I’ve run into some of this sort of thing other places… but not like here.   )


13 11 2010

So this weekend (Ok sadly I wrote 90% of this the weekend after my birthday AT the seminar….) I’m in a seminar for Eye’s open hypnosis.  The opportunity came up just before my birthday and I though..  it’s something I’m interested in so I should step outside of my box and give it a go.  And I’m really glad I decided to to it.  So far we’re halfway through the first day, and it’s been really interesting, there have been many cool discussions and demonstrations.

Coming way out to XiZhi (ShiJr) and tying up my whole weekend isn’t something I’ve been excited about, but it’s been a really positive experience so far.  Brian, who is giving  the seminar is really good at what he does and is very intelligent and personable.  So it’s not only interesting, it’s quite fun because he’s got a quirky sense of humor.

Plus he’s got a Siamese cat.. which we all know is my true love ;0)  He’s Siamese yowling right now.. aka someone pay attention to me damn it.

We’ve been talking about hypnosis and NLP and how to use it in therapy, and influence.  My favourite book, Influence: science and practice has been brought up several times which of course has pleased me to no end.

There are 6 of us here taking the seminar, one girl is interesting resistance to physical responses, but then he used her analyzing and resistance to physical cues to distract her and her critical factor  suddenly you could see her respond to things that she was clearly resistant to.  She described it very well, that you are at crossroads, to refuse or to go into the ‘fog’.  It’s like  lucid dreaming, when you  realize you’re dreaming you have a few seconds to make a choice; wake up or dive in.  Refuse it, or play along.

Anyway the weekend was very interesting, Brian actually did some therapy on me and it really helped.  He also showed us how to do some of the therapies on and with others.  Interestingly Brian is one of the best at what he does and is quite well known in the US but over here there isn’t much awareness.

Then a few weeks ago Brian had a show at the Comedy club and I was determined to enjoy the show and not be on the stage.  In order to make sure I got to watch I brought two of my friends who I had fairly good reason to be sure that they would be good subjects.

Wooo nelly I was right.   I had a fantastic time.  Unfortunately there weren’t many people at the show but we had a great time.  We all hung out having drink afterwards and ended up at a KTV of all places.  😀

Here are a couple of video clips from the show 😀


2 10 2010

So I did something silly, I applied to be a speaker for the TEDx thingie in Taipei this December.  While it’s not particularity likely that the powers that be will choose me to be a presenter, you never know I’ve seen odder talks before.  Honestly, I applied because it certainly doesn’t hurt to try, and it would be SO cool if I was chosen to participate.

But what the hell could you possibly talk about?  Have you met me?  I could talk about anything but something that might be TED worthy?  Well the topic is things that work well in Asia, so any innovations, ideas or practices that work and are more Asia specific.  Well I have my board game project, which has gotten me invited to be a speaker to a few different things.  Actually I just finished a speaker seminar type thing today.  This time it was more on conversation classes, which I also have a little experience in, but not really the same passion for.

I think the whole board games as an educational tool is a really fun and interesting topic and I feel rather passionately about it.  Perhaps it is just because it allows me to have fun and interact while introducing people to games.  But mostly I think it’s an untapped resource to aid in learning and study.

Regardless, I think it’s pretty cool that there will be a TEDx conference in Taipei this year.  And it would be so very cool to be involved.

Eeep, I’m kinda sleepy and run down from my speech today and getting up early to go running, like a good girl.  That will be all, I’ll keep you posted.  J

Gaming in Taipei

1 06 2010

yeah yeah if you didn’t know already … now you do.  I’m a total game geek.  Anyway I wrote this big write up/recap of the games last Sunday and posted it on the game group page.

I know I haven’t posted anything in ages .. lol my Google ranking has even gone down (gasp!) but I have actually half written 1/2  dozen articles.  it’s just all about when I get around to finishing them (prison reform, children, 30 day challenges, etc).

Anyway since I spent all that time writing the gaming summary I’m posting the damn thing here!!! I actually got the idea from reading this other guy’s gaming blog (a friend of a friend online) I really liked how he did it.. so I pinched it!  Plus only people in the gaming group can read it… and I’m under a wonderful delusion that people like reading my crap :D.

Sunday May 30th 2010
@ the Witch House


Tarra & Todd finally roped me into a game of Agricola and it wasn’t as bad as I expected. The action was continuous and only a little sitting on my thumbs waiting for my turn. Overall I felt it was a fun Game but it had some very time consu Read the rest of this entry »

The Greasy Spoon

17 03 2010

So this little spot opened up, in my neighborhood and the name intrigued me.  I”ve been meaning to drop by and give it a try for ages, but it’s so close to home that I usually just head home and make something or I go to sushi or Vietnamese because they are just as close and I KNOW they are good.

Anyway on my way home from work today I thought.. oh what the hell.  So I swung by and had dinner.  The overview?  It was fine, nothing super exciting, but decent.  I guess I’m spoiled by KGB and Forkers, any other burgers seem to be lacking.  Cute little place though.   I might go there to have tea and study or something.  I really like the cute little tables and chairs outside.

I got a cheese mushroom burger, it came with a side of fries, a soup
(or a glass of juice… weird but cool) and a nice little surprise at the end.  Some little creamy poofs.  I think the creamy poofs were the best part, not because the food was disappointing, they were just such a delightful surprise!!

I took it as a wonder full excuse… as you can see 😀  to play with my camera and take a few pictures of the place and the food.  Mostly because I’m 5 and I wanted to play.

So would I recommend going there?  If you’re in the neighborhood, sure thing go check it out.  It’s a cute place and it’s worth giving a try and deciding for yourself.  But is it worth going out of your way to find? No, not really.  There are a lots of places that are easier to get to and equally as good that are probably more convenient to where you happen to be.

But if you find yourself near or at Wangfang hospital, it’s on

Xin Hai Road Section 4, #254   辛亥路4段254號        02 2932-9698

They are open from noon to midnight. 🙂

They don’t appear to have their own web page but here is a [link] to a review and some comments about it on another site in Taiwan.

Possibly Ugly Topic

12 03 2010

You’ve been warned… so don’t crawl up my ass if you don’t like what I’ve written.

So what follows is a perfect example of how and why people can sometimes interpret my actions, words and ideas as cold.  So let me explain.  I’m very sensitive, and if I let it all in then I would be a train wreck all the time.  So as a survival technique I’m forced to use logic to pick and choose.  Anything that I can separate myself from emotionally before the feeling seep in, I do.  I hold them at arm’s length, inspect them and puzzle over them if they are ‘interesting’.

So things happen, planes crash, wars, the twin towers in New York… and I feel nothing.  I choose to feel nothing because it’s feel it all like a big squishy ball of goo or nadda.  Why in god’s name would I sit about personalizing and tearing myself apart emotionally over something that doesn’t directly affect me?  That isn’t really part of my immediate ‘world’.  Doesn’t make any sense to me, so while I’m still able to, I separate myself from any and all emotional tragedy related to the event.

There is war… and I don’t cry.  Millions are killed in a bombing, and I think.. hmm isn’t that sad.  Sad for the people directly affected by this event.  The twin towers came down, a train in Europe is blown up, a bus goes off a cliff, a tsunami, earthquake or typhoon hits and I observe the news with a kind of detached curiosity.  And that curiosity is what gets me in the end…. I can’t just shake my head look sad a pretend to be heartbroken along with everyone else.  I’m not.  I didn’t know them, we weren’t close….  I try to explain and nothing I say seems right.  The look on their faces are of disdain and anger.

How can you be so cold?  This affects us all, people are dying.

You’re all a bunch of hypocrites… people die every day.. I don’t see you sobbing your eyes out over some random homeless man in Siberia kicking the bucket.  What because you didn’t know about it?  Bull shit.  You’re not sad because you didn’t know him, or anyone else who knew him.  You might care if someone showed you pictures and told you his whole life story… and you know why that is?  Because that connects you, makes his life and hardships personal to you.  Voila… now it affects you and your emotions.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much flack I received over my lack of re Read the rest of this entry »

You are Some Kind of Wonderful

22 01 2010

… That was the text message I recieved this morning.

That made my day, my week even.

IT was such a simple little thing, A friend was leaving and I was teaching his class.  I knew his flight left at 11 so at 1030 I though I call say “bye good luck etc”, then I though hey since I’m with the kids I’ll have them say bye to him too.  Well talk about reaching out and touching someone!  He was really happy about it, and then sent me that text.  🙂

It’s surprising the things that end up meaning a lot to someone.  The best part was how happy it made him makes me wanna go nuts with the nice nice for people.  Actually, My friend Mel is also leaving and one of her co-workers made  a little video for her saying bye and I am thinking about doing the same thing for my friend who just left as I’m teaching his class.  Not sure if I’ll get to it but it seems like a nice thing.

I’m plotting nice things… hopefully I’ll follow through on them.


24 12 2009

Christmas in Asia is kinda blowage, there is just no festive happy Christmas feeling and cheer.  Not the end of the world but it doesn’t make for awesome time.

For Christmas, I made Eggnog for my University students.. and they went nuts for it.  Which was kinda surprising as it’s is quite boozy, and they don’t drink much.  A couple of them were really keen to try to make it themselves, so I gave them instructions.  Actually what I did was take a crazy rich but good ‘cooked’ recipe and modify it a little.  Turned out pretty good actually.

  • 4 cups of  milk + 5 cloves + 1 tsp cinnamon  + 1/2 tsp of vanilla =heated in a sauce pan
  • several egg yolks (6-12… up to you) + a cup of sugar in a bowl, mix until fluffy
  • Slowly stir the hot milk into the sugar and egg yolks (mix the whole time)
  • Put the whole thing back in the pan, cook on a low heat for 3-5 minutes stirring the w Read the rest of this entry »


11 10 2009

So I was faced with a choice last Friday.

After work, I stopped at Sababas  on the way to Editing (which is definitely not my favourite thing).  When I got to work, I looked for my phone and realized it was gone.  When I arrived, they told me that had called me and my co worker had answered.  So I called her, and we arranged for her to leave it at the Highlife (like 7 11) near our school for me to pick up later on.

Had a chat with some friends after work, and when I went to get my bike (scooter) I discovered that they had shut it behind some huge locked gate.  And I totally couldn’t get at it, possibly not until Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Dear Universe

26 09 2009

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Decisions decisions… and a little bummed out.

14 08 2009

Picture 071Bah, life!  Full of decisions, the hotness for some, personal hell for others. OH OH PICK ME!!   I loathe making a choice, boo what if I pick the wrong one?  What if, even worse, they are equal?  Everyone else seems to have no difficulty with these things meanwhile I agonize over what I want for lunch for Christ’s sake.  Boo

So what is the current crisis?  I guess crisis is a little strong, dilemma I suppose.  What should  I do next?  I love Taipei, I’ve left a few times I’ve even lived elsewhere and I can honestly say I love it there, the climate is lovely and toasty with mild winters, fun easy work, good pay low cost of living.  Sounds great hu?  So what’s the problem!

Well, I’m not Asian, and sometimes that rocks (like when it comes to rules we just get to ignore because we’re not local) and sometimes it sucks asshole, big hairy asshole.  I hate that I have no rights even though I’ve lived there for  nigh on 8 years, really??  Ridiculous.  They have stupid laws that actually discriminate against us, like this new tax law, we have to pay 3x the tax in the first 6 months of every year, no matter how long you’ve been a resident, you think I’m kidding, I’m so not.  Owning property and businesses is silly complicated for us, plus I live in a nation of tiny, or supposed to be tiny people.  So I am constantly inundated with comments like, you would be pretty if you weren’t so fat, and wow you run marathons and work out, so cool.. but how come you’re so fat?  You look terrible today, did you gain weight… the list goes on.  What it boils down to is no matter how much confidence I have, people still look at me like some HUGE beast.  Even the other foreigners get swept up in it, saying things like well if I ran that much I would be thinner than that.  Fuck off.  Yeah, I’m a little chubby (especially right now.. lazy girl on Vaca!) but Jesus, you all make me feel and it sound like I’m pushing 375.  I think my personal favorite is, it’s not your fault foreign people are just fat.  Even if no one says anything, you can see it in their eyes.  Know what I never see?  Admiration, attraction, appreciation in anyway trust me I’ve been looking.

Whine whine whine, I hate this whole line of discussion because no matter how you go about it, you come off as a Read the rest of this entry »

Magda VS The Nuclear Spider

10 07 2009



<— so very not my hand!!


I hate my life… this was from the night of my flight hence uploading it so much later and this post being way after I’ve been in Canada for a min.. but whatever..

Most of this battle is not on video because while I was scared of the wasp I kept it together… as you can see from how it ended I lost it in this one.. and there was no more filming.. much more shrieking… but no more filming… shudder