A Life Better Lived

12 02 2011

I was biking the other day, and I got to thinking.  What’s the point?  I mean what does anyone want?  What do we have to show for our lives?

I’ve never been good with goals, they seem too, I don’t know, Meh?  It seems like a lot of work having all these goals and trying to achieve them, especially as I only seem to be doing it for everyone else.  I don’t really care.  Well why not?  My whole life, I’ve always thought it was kinda important to have fun.

So many people want to own a house, have a family, make lots of money so they have something to show for their lives.  But these things are just not motivators for me.  I’d rather do nothing than bust my ass for silly things like that.  I don’t want kids, I don’t really want to have some amazing career (mostly because it sounds life sucking and not fun), I would love to own a house but I’d probably give it to my mom to live in or something.

So while biking I kept coming back to the same thought.  A life better lived.  What is my goal in life?  Meh nuttin’.  What do I want? What do I care about?  Friends, my cat, my family… having fun.  It’s not so much about doing crazy things, just doing things that are fun for me.  Experiencing life, if not to the fullest then at least experiencing it.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in doing something mental just for the ‘experience’ but at the same time I currently seem to be in this limbo where ‘tomorrow’ I’m going to start going out and playing with my camera, try that silly toilet restaurant, take the Mao Kong Gondola, go to Egypt (perhaps that will have to wait a min though) and a hundred other things.  Some more ambitious, some less but still this here tomorrow business is just rediculous.

I was thinking about it.   Everyone I know is getting married, having kids, working on their careers… and I’m just chillin’.  If I was totally happy with it, that would be fine, but sometimes I’m fine and sometimes I’m bored.  I feel like there should be more to it.   So I’ve decided that my thing will be a life better lived.  I don’t know that I’ll have any of the things that anyone else is working on, or that I’ll even want it.  But I will have photos, and memories of all the things I’ve done.

So if I’m captain adventure, why don’t I do anything?  Because I’m an even bigger coward.  I’m always scared of change and trying new things.  I go to restaurants and order the same thing, it’s safe and good.  But from not on, I plan to try to live by my new motto, a life better lived.  I will make an effort to break out of my shell and try something new and different when the opportunity arises.  I might even make the opportunities myself.

Like today, I suggested some friends and I go to the modern toilet place but at the last minute I changed my mind.  I just didn’t feel like being social, I wanted to be alone.  So I went for some sushi, and while at sushi, I thought, hey now…. instead of going home and doing nothing why not go check out the gondola? I didn’t know what time it closed, it was cold, dark and rainy, but I figured it didn’t hurt to at least drive over and take a look (it’s very close to my house, and in the years it’s been operational I’ve never been).

So I pootled on over, and lookie here it’s a Friday and they’re open late on Fridays.   So on a whim, I hopped on.   Now to be honest, I should have just gone up to the first station and back down, but silly me I went all the way to the top (it was only 50 nt).  I didn’t realize that it was such a long trip or that it was going to be as terribly cold as it was.  But hey, the city lights were pretty and I’ll definit Read the rest of this entry »